Gifts for Wine Lovers |
Think of it as Trivial Pursuit for folks who
love food and wine. Players compete by answering
questions such as "Which native Italian
wine is likely to be poured for a pizza party?"
(Sangiovese) and "What story about an
English barber and meat pies has endured since
the mid-19th century as a play, musical, movie,
and TV production?" (Sweeny Todd). $18.95
wine totes
Know someone who loves to travel? These soft-sided
TSA-friendly bags let you store wine safely
in your packed luggage-no more worrying about
broken bottles! $48.95 for the BottleWise
A pair of smartly designed candle holders
turn memorable bottles of wine into decorative
keepsakes. $39
Wine Lover's Page-A-Day Calendar 2008
Karen MacNeil, author of The Wine Bible, penned
this entertaining desk calendar, loaded with
great information for every day of the year.
Pages offer anything from famous quotes to
must-try wines to recipes perfect for the
season. $11.99
Nez du Vin Aroma Kit
Got a serious oenophile on your list? Developed
by French wine expert Jean Lenoir, this deluxe
kit includes a dozen vials containing liquid
wine aromas, as well as reference cards and
an instructional booklet, to help fine-tune
wine-tasting skills the way no reference book
can. Separate kits available for white and
red wines. $130
Wine Labels
Giving bottles as gifts? Have them beautifully
etched with a personal message by
and the wine won't be the only thing they
remember. Prices vary.
J.L. |